
Monday, February 14, 2011

Pentingnye mengetahui kumpulan darah kite!!

Group darah aku AB Rh -ve..
My hubby B Rh +ve
Bb Safwan AB RH +ve

Korang thu x group drh korang pe??
Penting tau utk thu pe group drh korang tu.. 
Jangan jdi mcm aku last minute thu pe group drh aku ni.

Msa aku  pregnant dlu aku x amik kisah pn k'putusan drh aku x dpt n aku de amik drh kt wad aku kje utk thu group drh aku ni n dlm k'putusan tu de tlis 'naga'- aku x fkir pun naga tu b'mksud negative yg aku fkir mybe dia slh tulis(konon nye nak b'fikiran positif la coz s'tahu aku dlm family aku x de yg Rh -ve).. 
Sampai nye msa dlm labour room s'gala2 nye terjadi.. Dri kul 6.45am aku msk labour room smpai kul 12, jln aku just bkk 5cm je n baby pn dh x ok.. So dktor buat k'putusan utk tolak aku ke blik bedah.. Ble dktor cheack drh aku rupa2 nye group drh aku confirm Rh -ve Dktor tu tnye aku n dia mrh la aku coz aku sbgai nurse x thu pe Rh aku ni.. Malu jgk tpi pe nak buat dh t'lewat... Dktor dlm labour room tu dh kelam kabut coz dh x blh tggu lama lgi nnti bhya kat aku n bb.. Dktor call blood bank tnye drh sme group aku ni de/x.. Syukur sgt2 coz ade 1 pn dh ckup.. Kul 3 aku di tolak ke blik bedah n bb safwan slmt di lahirkn pda 4.01pm..
Aku msih x puat ati lgi psl group drh aku ni Rh -ve.. Ble aku dh start kje aku check lgi group drh aku ni.. KEPUTUSAN nye mmg aku AB Rh -ve... Mcm case aku ni utk 1st baby ok lgi tpi akn bahaya utk 2nd baby coz drh baby safwan AB +ve n sdikit drh dia msk dlm rdh aku msa proses kelahiran n drh aku tlh mgeluarkan antibody utk m'lwn drh bb safwan yg tlh msk dlm drh aku tu.. Msa aku pregnant bb 2nd nnti ok klu drh bb tu -ve, klu +ve mcm bb safwan bahaya sgt2 n blh mndatangkn maut utk bb tu..
aku mls nk translate so korang bca la utk lbih fhm pe mksud aku tdi....

How can my negative blood be a problem?

If you are rhesus negative and your husband is rhesus positive, then your unborn child may inherit negative or positive blood – you wont know until birth. However if the mother is negative and the foetus happens to be positive (positive being dominant, negative recessive), this may cause problems for the foetus as well as any future pregnancies the mother may have.
Problems can occur if the foetus’ positive blood manages to find it’s way into the mother’s bloodstream, either during pregnancy or labour, mixing with her negative blood. If this happens and it is not treated, the mother’s blood can create antibodies to attack the positive blood containing a ‘foreign’ component, causing anaemeia or in a worst case scenario, death for a foetus. This means that any future pregnancies the mother has where the foetus is again rhesus positive, her antibodies may cross the placenta and attack the foetus’ blood cells.

How Can I Prevent It?:

Rh disease is rare today, because mothers who are Rh negative receive intramuscular injections with a drug called Rhogam. Rhogam removes Rh positive fetal cells from the mother’s bloodstream before her body recognizes them and begins making antibodies. All mothers who are Rh negative receive a shot of Rhogam around 28 weeks. You may get an extra shot if you have bleeding early in pregnancy, or if you have a procedure such as an amniocentesis that might cause fetal blood cells to be mixed into your circulation.
If your baby is born Rh positive, another dose is administered within 72 hours after delivery. This will prevent your body from creating any future antibodies that could cause harm during a subsequent pregnancy.

Bile bb safwan lahir aku smpat jmpa skjp je, nurse dlm blik bdh tu just kasi aku cium pipi bb safwan je.. Pastu dia anta bb safwan g Nicu(neonatal intensive care unit), my hubby pn jmpa bb safwan jap jgk just dpt azankn bb safwan je.. Sedih sgt2 tau.. 5 ari bb safwan dlm Nicu.. S'tiap ari la aku kne g sne nk tgk bb safwan.. S'lama bb safwan dlm Nicu ibu abah adik2 aku n m'tua aku x dpt tgk bb safwan tau.. Gmbar je la yg dorang dpt tgk tu pn aku n my hubby amik gmbr cri2..
Mcm aku tlis kt ats tdi klu aku pregnant bb 2nd bahaya kan.. X kn la aku x nk kasi bb safwan adik plak cian dia..
so bca je kt bwh ni n korang akn fhm la.. Skrg kn dunia dh maju.. setiap pe2 yg t'jadi tu de PENAWAR nye..

How Can I Prevent It?:

Rh disease is rare today, because mothers who are Rh negative receive intramuscular injections with a drug called Rhogam. Rhogam removes Rh positive fetal cells from the mother’s bloodstream before her body recognizes them and begins making antibodies. All mothers who are Rh negative receive a shot of Rhogam around 28 weeks. You may get an extra shot if you have bleeding early in pregnancy, or if you have a procedure such as an amniocentesis that might cause fetal blood cells to be mixed into your circulation.
If your baby is born Rh positive, another dose is administered within 72 hours after delivery. This will prevent your body from creating any future antibodies that could cause harm during a subsequent pregnancy.

Dlm pnduduk malaysia ni 1% je b'drh mcm aku ni iaitu -ve..

Penting tau utk thu group drh kite n yg penting jgk pe Rh kite..
kebnyakan org ble kite tnye just thu group drh je, ble tnye +ve/-ve dorang dh x thu...

Ape tu Rh???
individuals either have, or do not have, the "Rhesus factor" on the surface of their red blood cells. This term strictly refers only to the most immunogenic D antigen of the Rh blood group system, or the Rh- blood cell system. The status is usually indicated by Rh positive (Rh+, does have the D antigen) or Rh negative (Rh-, does not have the D antigen) 

Kat bwh ni adalh jenis drh yg blh d terime dri penderma..

Jadual keserasian sel darah merah
O−Check mark
O+Check markCheck mark
A−Check markCheck mark
A+Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
B−Check markCheck mark
B+Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
AB−Check markCheck markCheck markCheck mark
AB+Check markCheck markCheck markCheck markCheck markCheck markCheck markCheck mark

Gambar ni plak adalah akibat n kesan jika kita slh menerima darah..

Aku tulis ni sbgai pengetahuan utk korang semua.. Jadikn pe yg b'laku kt aku ni sbagai pengajaran.. Kite kne thu pe yg t'jadi pda dri kite tau...


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